In all calls to “save the planet” I feel the demand to protect it hic et nunc from bad human influences. Climate change is considered as bad because it’s man-made. A natural change might be acceptable but not a change induced by humans! Conservationism is the word. Earlier, and allegedly gentler times should be restored, when man was in tune with Mother Nature and when his wisdom was boundless: we lost this paradise. But, did these time really exist, were they gentler?
We long for rain after too many sunny days, and for sunshine in vacation time. And we barely remember the weather we had a few years ago. What should the weather be?
In all calls to stop climate variations I’ve never found a description of what tomorrow’s climate should be! Is there anybody capable to prescribe an adequate climate? Is there a climate menu where orders can be passed? To whom? What is the goal?
20’000 years ago, a vast portion of land in the Northern hemisphere was covered by ice and the sea level was 125 meters lower that today. And homo sapiens sapiens was already around since a long time (Lascaux, Chauvet, Altamira) with no fundamental genetic difference with us today. She did not choose her climate. I’m here because she adapted and survived.
To express optimism in environmental matters sounds like being a criminal fool. This will not prevent me to have confidence in the future generations to solve their actual problems, rather than the hypothetical ones that are bizarrely construed today in their name.